Didn’t have any luck getting a sunset time lapse at Hoover Reservoir this time. I did get a cool fish-eye shot of the sunset from the end of one of the trails through the woods.
Post processing is as much a part of photography as composition and it always has been. It is one of the things that elevates a snapshot to art. It’s why I say I create photos instead of taking them. In my own post processing I always strive to find a balance between the fact and the fiction. Finding that balance can be a challenge.
A beautiful pastel sunrise time lapse shoot ruined by a delicious Cliff Bar. Read MoreSo close, yet so ducky.
Sometimes things just don’t go like you hope. I went to Hoover Reservoir really early to try a “Holy Grail” sunrise time lapse with qDSLR Dashboard, but couldn’t seem to do anything right. Read MoreWell, dam.