It only took me three visits to get a couple good shots and a decent time lapse from the kayak ramp at Alum Creek Lake. There’s something about a long exposure sunrise that grabs me. Freezing that moment when the day begins and stretching it out makes it seem more tangible. Read MoreAlum Creek Sunrise
I took my first trip to Inniswood Metro Gardens in Westerville, Ohio recently. In an effort to balance taking photos with enjoying the moment, I only took one camera and one lens, an old Rokkor 50mm f/1.4, expecting to get photos of flowers and insects. The fantastic gardens had so much more to offer. DL Cade, editor of ISO on 500px, has written a great article about serendipity and planning in photography – Check it out and add your own story in the comments!
After several tries at a particular spot on Hoover Reservoir, I finally got a decent sunrise time lapse. It’s not the most epic video, but it did capture the sense of awakening I was looking for.