The last time I visited Indian Run Falls in Dublin, Ohio it was frozen. This morning it was flowing well and the trees weren’t bare.
On this visit I was able to climb down to the front of the upper falls and try several compositions. This landscape view ended up being my favorite. The lines of the cliff and stream lead the eye to the falls and the curved cliff gives the sense of coming around a corner to discover something.
To get as long an exposure as I could get without an ND filter I shot at f/11. Because of the shallow depth of field and the proximity of the rocks, I focus stacked four shots to get everything sharp.
Click images to enlarge.

ISO:100 17mm f/11 2.5 seconds
To capture the subtle S-curves I tried a couple portrait shots too.
ISO:100 – 10mm – f/11 – 5 seconds
ISO:100 – 10mm – f/11 – 3.2 seconds
A wider, further landscape shot shows more of the area in front of the falls. I worried that the waterfall, the cave and the stream were competing for attention, but the water highlights do a good job leading the eye around. Some times with wide angle shots you have to choose whether to align the composition with the horizontal horizon or the vertical lines of trees, cliffs, etc. I almost always choose to align with the horizon. For this shot I experimented with aligning to the vertical elements .

ISO:100 – 10mm – f/11 – 1.3 seconds
Finally, I did another post processing on this shot to give it a more monochromatic look, remove the big central water glare and bring some detail back to the waterfall.

ISO:100 – 10mm – f/11 – 1.3 seconds