Time Stacker Script

After reading Matt Malloy’s tutorial on time stacking, https://iso.500px.com/time-stack-photo-tutorial/ , and trying my first time stack, I wrote a simple Photoshop script to automate loading and blending time-lapse images. You can have it for free!

Timestack Sunrise
Timestack Sunrise
200 shots 5 seconds apart

Click the link below to save the RAR file

Timestacker Script for Photoshop CC. Save and unzip the RAR anywhere you want then in Photoshop go to File > Scripts > Browse and find Timestacker.jsx and double click it. If you put the jsx file in your Photoshop Presets>Scripts folder then it will be visible in the Scripts menu under File the next time you start Photoshop. You may not sell this script on its own or in any combination with any other product.

The images you want to stack have to be in their own folder/directory and sequentially named. You can export the images from Lightroom in their own folder and with custom names set to sequence with original file number.
